10:30 am, Monday, December 14, 2015
Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT)
Three years ago, on December 15, Magsaysay award winner and acclaimed community development leader Sombath Somphone was detained at a police checkpoint in Vientiane, Laos, and then disappeared by state authorities. Since then, the Lao police and government authorities have consistently failed to seriously investigate the case, and continue to unpersuasively claim ignorance of Sombath’s whereabouts.
Yet evidence is still being uncovered, and on the 3rd anniversary of his enforced disappearance, new CCTV camera footage — obtained from the area where Sombath was abducted on the day that Sombath vanished into state custody – will be made public.
A panel of speakers will also provide the latest updates on Sombath’s case and the international campaign to demand answers from the Lao PDR government.
Speakers include:
- Angkhana Neelaipaijit,Thai National Human Rights Commissioner, Justice for Peace Foundation and Sombath Initiative
- Sam Zarifi, International Commission of Jurists
- Laurent Meillan, UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights
- Phil Robertson, Human Rights Watch
For more information, please call +66-85-060-8406, or email: RobertP@hrw.org