Da oggi Milano è la casa dei popoli di tutto il mondo

Villagio Globale: 10 Ottobre 2014

forum-milanoLa tre giorni di convegni e workshop su Commercio internazionale, Protezione sociale, Sovranità alimentare, Cambiamento climatico, Pace e sicurezza. Un appello rivolto ai governi e alle istituzioni di tutto il mondo per far tornare a casa Sombath Somphone.

Una sedia vuota e un appello rivolto ai governi e alle istituzioni di tutto il mondo per far tornare a casa Sombath Somphone. È iniziato così il Forum dei popoli che ha preso avvio stamane a Milano, casa della decima edizione del Forum della società civile Asia-Europa, AEPF10.

A prendere la parola per prima dinanzi a oltre 400 delegati provenienti da tutto il mondo è stata Shui Meng Ng, moglie dell’attivista premio Nobel asiatico Sombath Somphone, vittima di una sparizione forzata il 15 dicembre 2012. La sua colpa, aver organizzato la nona edizione del Forum nel Laos, nel nome della lotta alla povertà, alle disuguaglianze, alle iniquità.

«Mi sono chiesta se Sombath abbia varcato qualche soglia sconosciuta, scontentando chi non vuole riconoscere alla società civile uno spazio maggiore», ha ragionato a voce alta Shui Meng Ng, che ha aggiunto: «Sombath non avrebbe mai rinnegato la sua vita e il suo impegno. Non si sarebbe mai pentito».

All’appello si è unito anche Basilio Rizzo, presidente del Consiglio comunale di Milano e simbolico padrone di casa nella cornice casalinga che ospita il Forum: la Fabbrica del Vapore. «Confermo l’impegno a tutti i livelli istituzionali affinché Sombath possa tornare a casa, perché oggi più che mai è impossibile alcuna politica priva dell’apporto determinante della società civile da voi ben rappresentata». Continue reading “Da oggi Milano è la casa dei popoli di tutto il mondo”

Milan becomes the home of peoples from around the world

Villagio Globale: 10 October 2014 (Unofficial translation)

forum-milanoThree days of seminars and workshops on international trade, social protection, food security, climate change, peace and security. An appeal to governments and institutions around the world for Sombath Somphone’s safe return.

An empty chair and an appeal to governments and institutions around the world for Sombath Somphone’s safe return. This is how the People’s Forum kicked off today in Milan, home of the tenth Asia-Europe People’s Forum, or AEPF10.

Shui Meng Ng, wife of activist Sombath Somphone, is a winner of the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Prize and became a victim of enforced disappearance on 15 December 2012, gave the keynote speech in front of the more than 400 delegates from all around the world. Sombath was one of the organizers of the ninth AEPF in Laos, under the slogan of struggle against poverty and inequality.

“I repeatedly asked myself whether Sombath crossed some unknown political line and annoyed those who refuse to allow for greater space for civil society,” Shui Meng Ng said. “Sombath would have never regretted his life-long work and commitment. He would have never regretted what he did,” she added.

Basilio Rizzo, President of Milan’s City Council and symbolic host of the event that is being held on the premises of the Steam Factory, joined Shui Meng’s appeal: “I confirm the authorities’ commitment at all levels to working for Sombath’s safe return home. Today, more than ever, it is impossible to think of any policy without the crucial contribution of civil society which you represent here so well.” Continue reading “Milan becomes the home of peoples from around the world”

AEPF9: Expectations and Realities

the-9th-asia-europe-peoples-forum-concludes-576353-aepf9The AEPF9 aims to enable a secure environment that encourages learning and reflection and provides space for open, respectful, diverse and constructive debate. We support harmony, compassion and understanding, whilst recognizing the strength of diversity and solidarity for peaceful and sustainable development.

From materials presented at the 9th Asia-Europe People’s Forum held in Vientiane on 16-19 October, 2012.

…due to these Post-AEPF9 events in Laos, the IOC of the AEPF is compelled to state that the legacy of the AEPF9 in Laos is in great jeopardy. The lived reality for many people in Laos today is in sharp contrast to the rhetoric of the Vientiane Declaration on Strengthening Partnership for Peace and Development agreed at the end of ASEM9.

There does not appear to be a secure environment that encourages learning and reflection, or one that provides space for open, respectful, diverse and constructive debate.

From AEPF9–Reflections and Lesson Learning, the International Organising Committee of the Asia-Europe People’s Forum.

aepf10logoThe 10th Asia-Europe People’s Forum begins today in Milan, Italy, with the theme: Towards a Just and Inclusive Asia and Europe – Building States of Citizens for Citizens

Two years ago: AEPF9 and UNDP

the-9th-asia-europe-peoples-forum-concludes-576353-aepf9Two years ago, Sombath worked closely with government authorities, the United Nations Development Program, and the UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Minh Pham, to organise nation-wide consultations in preparation for the 9th Asia-Europe People’s Forum.

One result of this process was the report “Listening to the People’s Voice,” released on October 8th.

The next day, Mr. Pham issued a statement disassociating himself from the report, asserting it was only a draft, but no alternatives were ever offered.

Minh PhamTwo months and one day later, Mr. Pham and UNDP joined in celebrating the 2012 International Human Rights Day. The theme was “Inclusion and the Right to Participate in Public Affairs.”

A UNDP press release highlighted the event. But when Sombath was abducted five days later, there was no such publicity, nor have there been any public expressions of concern since.

In May, 2014, Mr. Pham was awarded the Cross of Friendship for his service. The UNDP website also makes special note of this. The website does not, however, make any mention of Sombath or his continuing plight.

Lao national wins Asia's most prestigious prize

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor his tireless efforts among the youth and in community development in the countryside, he has received Asia’s most prestigious award. It is only the second time during its nearly 50 year history that the Ramon Magsaysay Award has been bestowed upon a Lao national. The first one was Keo Viphakone in 1967, for Government Service.

Vientiane Times, 10 August 2005.

NGOs Say Proposed Guidelines Would Hamstring Lao Civil Society

Radio Free Asia: 02 October 2014

The authoritarian government in Laos is moving to restrict the operations of international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) through a set of new measures, including requiring multiple and time-consuming approvals for community projects, according to the groups’ staff.

The measures are contained in proposed guidelines that would make a four-year-old decree regulating the activities of INGOs stricter in the one-party communist state, they said.

The June-proposed guidelines from the foreign ministry appear aimed at curbing their ability to work independent of the government, NGO staffers told RFA’s Lao Service ahead of an expected meeting with officials in October to discuss the proposal.

An INGO worker in Laos said on condition of anonymity that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) had invited feedback on its proposal from foreign embassies, donors and civil society groups, but said he feared that the suggestions would not be incorporated into the final draft.

“Even if MoFA took into account some proposed changes … there is still concern among INGOs that these guidelines are not addressing important issues, such as the increasing administrative burden … and the lack of predictability when implementing approved programs, or when requesting extension of activities or additional funding approval,” the staffer said. Continue reading “NGOs Say Proposed Guidelines Would Hamstring Lao Civil Society”


From left to right: Kanya Khammoungkhoun, Deputy-Director of ASEAN Politcal and Security Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Lao PDR; U Shwe Maung, Chair of APHR Myanmar Caucus; Mr. Phoukhong Sisoulath, Representative of Laos PDR to AICHR; Charles Santiago, Chair of APHR Malaysia Caucus

กรุงเทพฯ – รัฐบาลลาวควรแลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลทั้งหมดที่มีอยู่จากการสอบสวนคดีการลักพาตัวนายสมบัด สมพอนกับครอบครัวของเขาและหน่วยงานอิสระ ต้องยุติการเล่นเกมบิดเบือนโดยอ้างหลักอธิปไตยของชาติเป็นข้อแก้ตัว และไม่ยอมปรึกษาหารืออย่างจริงจังในด้านการสอบสวนคดีคนหายคดีนี้ สมาชิกรัฐสภาแห่งเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้กล่าวในวันนี้

“ทางการลาวได้ตั้งกำแพงของความเงียบเพื่อปิดกั้นการสอบสวน จนถึงขนาดที่อาจกล่าวได้ว่าในช่วงที่ผ่านมายังไม่มีการสอบสวนเกิดขึ้นเลย และความดื้อดึงเช่นนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของความพยายามในการกลบเกลื่อนบทบาทของเจ้าหน้าที่ของรัฐที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการลักพาตัวครั้งนี้” นายชาร์ล ซานติเอโก (Charles Santiago) สส.มาเลเซียและรองประธานองค์การสมาชิกรัฐสภาอาเซียนเพื่อสิทธิมนุษยชนกล่าว

“เราถือว่าคุณสมบัดเป็นพลเมืองของอาเซียน ไม่ใช่เฉพาะของลาว เราจึงมีสิทธิและหน้าที่ในการค้นหาว่าเกิดอะไรขึ้นกับเขา แต่การเล่นเกมถ่วงเวลา การปฏิเสธไม่รับความช่วยเหลือ การให้ข้อมูลเท็จและการแสดงท่าทีไม่เป็นมิตรในบางครั้งของทางการลาวเมื่อถูกสอบถามข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับการสอบสวน เป็นเรื่องที่ทำให้เกิดความน่าเบื่อหน่าย ไม่เพียงเฉพาะในสปป.ลาว แต่เกิดขึ้นกับประเทศสมาชิกอาเซียนทั้งหมด” Continue reading “รัฐบาลลาวต้องยุติการบิดเบือนในการสอบสวนคดีต่อนายสมบัด”

Lao government’s deceptive game on Sombath investigation must end

From left to right: Kanya Khammoungkhoun, Deputy-Director of ASEAN Politcal and Security Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Lao PDR; U Shwe Maung, Chair of APHR Myanmar Caucus; Mr. Phoukhong Sisoulath, Representative of Laos PDR to AICHR; Charles Santiago, Chair of APHR Malaysia Caucus

BANGKOK — The Lao government should share all information on the investigation into the abduction of Sombath Somphone with family members and independent parties, ending its deceptive game of hiding behind national sovereignty to excuse it from engaging in a sincere conversation regarding the investigation into his disappearance, Southeast Asian lawmakers said today.

“The Lao authorities have erected a brick wall of silence on this investigation, so much so that the only intelligent conclusion is that there is in fact no investigation taking place at all and that the obstinacy is part of a cover up for state officials implicated in his abduction,” said Mr. Charles Santiago, Malaysian MP and Vice-President of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR).

“We regard Sombath as a citizen of ASEAN, not just of Laos, and therefore have the right and duty to help find out what has happened to him. The blatant game playing, refusal of assistance and deceptive and at times belligerent answers provided by the Lao authorities when asked for information on the investigation is growing tiresome and reflects badly not just on Lao PDR, but on all of ASEAN.” Continue reading “Lao government’s deceptive game on Sombath investigation must end”

Human rights and donor aid…

It is unlikely any single event could attract more international scrutiny of Laos’ appalling human rights record than the Sombath Somphone case did in late 2012 and 2013. Yet, the ritual announcements of donor aid have continued, including a recent top-up of US$3.9 million from the US, EU, UNDP and France for the Legal Sector Master Plan and its goal of instituting a rule of law state in Laos by 2020. In this game, Lao leaders uphold their side of the bargain by maintaining the government’s commitment to goals negotiated as part of the annual Round Table Process between the government and donors, such as pursuing “off­track areas of the MDGs” and strengthening the rule of law. As long as egregious incidents like Sombath’s enforced disappearance fail to impact upon this bargain, such commitments will continue to operate as mechanisms of governance that reinforce the status quo, rather than as principles guiding better governance.

Simon Creak, in “Laos in 2013: International Controversies, Economic Concerns and the Post-socialist Rhetoric of Rule,” Southeast Asian Affairs, 2014