Resolution of the European Parliament (2)

European Parliament: 14 September 2017


Laos, notably the cases of Somphone Phimmasone, Lod Thammavong and Soukane Chaithad

European Parliament resolution of 14 September 2017 on Laos, notably the cases of Somphone Phimmasone, Lod Thammavong and Soukane Chaithad (2017/2831(RSP))

The European Parliament,

  • having regard to its previous resolutions on Laos,
  • having regard to the outcome of the 8th meeting of the European Union-Lao PDR Joint Committee held in Vientiane on 17 February 2017,
  • having regard to the statement by the Delegation of the European Union to the Lao PDR made in Vientiane on the World Freedom of the Press Day, 3 May 2017,
  • having regard to the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders of 1998,
  • having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948,
  • having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966,
  • having regard to the Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic of 1 December 1997,
  • having regard to the ASEAN Charter,
  • having regard to Rules 135(5) and 123(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas in March 2017 three Lao workers, Mr Somphone Phimmasone, Mr Soukane Chaithad and Ms Lod Thammavong, were sentenced to prison terms of between 12 and 20 years and the equivalent of tens of thousands of euros in fines for criticising the government on social media in relation to alleged corruption, deforestation, and human rights violations, while working in Thailand; whereas the three also stood accused of participating in an anti-government demonstration outside the Lao Embassy in Thailand in December 2015; Continue reading “Resolution of the European Parliament (2)”

UN Statement: Enforced Disappearances in Asia

ICJ: 11 September 2017

The ICJ today delivered an oral statement at the UN Human Rights Council, on the need for criminalisation and other effective measures against enforced disappearances in Asia.

The statement, which was delivered in an interactive dialogue with the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, read as follows:

“Mr President,

The ICJ echoes the Working Group’s recommendation that States should criminalize all acts of enforced disappearance, including enforced disappearances of migrants, which should be punished by appropriate penalties, taking into account their extreme seriousness. Continue reading “UN Statement: Enforced Disappearances in Asia”

UN body says detention of government critics is “arbitrary” and urges their release

FIDH: 07 September 2017

FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights and its member organization for Laos Lao Movement for Human Rights (LMHR)

A United Nations (UN) body has demanded that Lao authorities immediately and unconditionally release three government critics who were recently sentenced to lengthy prison terms, according to information received by FIDH.

“The UN opinion that declares the detention of the three peaceful government critics arbitrary certifies that Laos has zero respect for its international human rights obligations. The Lao government should take note that it can no longer hide its repressive actions from the international community and immediately release all dissidents,” said FIDH President Dimitris Christopoulos.

Continue reading “UN body says detention of government critics is “arbitrary” and urges their release”

Renewed Focus on Lao Activist on International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances

RFA: 30 August 2017

A display to mark the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances in the Thai capital Bangkok, Dec. 30, 2017 (Note: The event was about enforced disappearance in Thailand, and did not address Sombath or Laos specifically.)

Supporters of Sombath Somphone renewed their focus on the missing rural development activist on Wednesday, using the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances to press Laos to solve the nearly five-year-old mystery of his disappearance.

Video footage show’s Sombath’s Jeep being stopped at a police checkpoint on the evening of Dec. 15, 2012. In the video Sombath is herded into a white truck and taken away, and a man dressed in white returns and drives off in his Jeep.

Soon after he was kidnapped, police promised to investigate, but Lao authorities soon backtracked, saying they could no longer confirm whether the man in the video footage was actually Sombath. Continue reading “Renewed Focus on Lao Activist on International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances”

There is no valid excuse not to ratify the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

OHCHR: 29 August 2017

(Note: The Lao PDR has twice promised to ratify this convention in its Universal Periodic Review, but it has not yet done so.)

At a time when enforced disappearance is practiced in every region, and in many countries is increasing, a group of UN human rights experts* urge all Member States to ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

To mark the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, the UN experts highlight: “It is inadmissible that in 2017, enforced disappearances continue to happen. Every day we receive new cases of persons subjected to enforced disappearances across the world. When this happens, the life of entire families breaks in pieces and the very fabric of the society is damaged. This needs to end, and by ratifying the Convention, States can start the path towards achieving this aim”.

“There is no valid excuse for this Convention not to become universally ratified,” said Suela Janina, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Enforced Disappearances. “Following the ratification, States should introduce new legislation and ensure its application in practice”. Continue reading “There is no valid excuse not to ratify the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance”

Laos also near bottom of the Economist’s “Democracy Index”

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out of


Laos’ ranking in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s 2016 “Democracy Index”

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Note: This is the  second in a series of posts on “Laos by the numbers.”

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

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The Lao PDR ranks 151st out of 167 on the Economist Intelligence Unit’s “Democracy Index” for 2016. The index compiles 60 indicators grouped into five categories, with a score of between 0 and 10 for each category:

  • 8.00 to 10.00 = Full Democracy
  • 6.00 to 8.00 = Flawed Democracy
  • 4.00 to 6.00 = Hybrid Regime
  • 0.00 to 4.00 = Authoritarian Regime

The Lao PDR’s overall score of 2.37 puts Laos firmly in the category of Authoritarian Regime:

Authoritarian regimes are nations where political pluralism has vanished or is extremely limited. These nations are often absolute dictatorships, may have some conventional institutions of democracy but with meager significance, infringements and abuses of civil liberties are commonplace, elections (if they take place) are not fair and free, the media is often state-owned or controlled by groups associated with the ruling regime, the judiciary is not independent, and the presence of omnipresent censorship and suppression of governmental criticism.

The five categories, and Laos’ score in each are:

  • Electoral process and pluralism = 0.83
  • Functioning of government = 2.86
  • Political participation = 1.67
  • Political culture = 5.00
  • Civil liberties = 1.47

Only ten of 167 countries rank lower than Laos in terms of Civil Liberties, and only two are lower in Political Participation.

While North Korea is ranked at the bottom of the list, Laos receives the lowest ranking of any Southeast Asian country. The rankings of neighbouring countries (with scores) include:

  • China = 136th (3.14)
  • Vietnam =131st (3.38)
  • Myanmar = 113th (4.20)
  • Cambodia = 112th (4.27)
  • Thailand = 100th (4.92)

Laos’ score has changed little since the index was initiated in 2006. From that year through 2011 its score remained at 2.10. In 2012, it increased to 2.32 before dropping back to 2.21 through 2015, and then rising to 2.36 in 2016

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International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance

International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance: Human Rights Defenders & the Disappeared Justice

Co-organized by: Cross Cultural Foundation (CrCF), Human Rights Lawyers Association (HRLA), the Esaan Land Reform, Amnesty International Thailand, and United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commission South-East Asia Regional Office

In the absence of efficient mechanisms for the protection of human rights defenders in Thailand, the cases of enforced disappearances ought to be addressed fairly and immediately. We, the organizers, would like to take this opportunity to commemorate and commend those who fearlessly stood up and defended the rights of others, but are no longer with us. Their legacy and engagement will continue to inspire all of us.

On the occasion of International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance, which falls on August 30 each year, we wish to reaffirm the significance of the government’s role in promoting and protecting the people’s human rights in compliance with the international standards. In order to find sustainable solutions, this event is also set to provide the possibility for collaboration among all sectors working with the issues on human rights

Time and Location

Wednesday, 30th of August 2017 at 13.00 – 17.00 h, the Student Christian Center, Phayathai Rd, Thanon Phetchaburi, Ratchathewi, Bangkok

13.00 – 13.30 Registration
13.30 – 13.45 Welcoming remarks by representative of the OHCHR
13.45 – 14.30 ‘Den Kamlae and Forensic Evidence in the Cases of Enforced Disappearance’ by Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunan and the community representative Oranuch Phonpinyo
14.30 – 15.00 ‘The Path of Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearances Act B.E. …’ by representative of the Ministry of Justice
15.00 – 16.00 A panel discussion on the topic of ‘Enforced Disappearance:

It Happens Everywhere, and the Limited Prosecution Resources under Vague Legislations’ by representative of HRLA, Ankana Neelapaijit and Pinnapha Prueksapan
The Jurisdiction of the Department of Special Investigation and Cases of Enforced Disappearance by representative of the Department of Special Investigation
The Jurisdiction of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand and Human Rights Defenders by Dr. Niran Pitakwatchara Commissioner of the 2nd batch of NHRC

16.00 – 16.30 Q & A
16.45 The organizers read the joint statement on the occasion of International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance

NOTE: Thai-English translation will be provided throughout the event

Will Laos ever have ‘another Sombath’?

Will other civil society leaders emerge who are able to see beyond the implementation of projects to a wider vision and analysis?

Given the silence within Laos following Sombath’s disappearance, might there be more cases?