Far away from Laos is a small but beautiful land of Kashmir. Despite the distance from Laos, we heard loud and clear appeals for your resurfacing from the last few years, but sadly it seems that those at the helm of affairs in Laos are unable to hear the demand for justice and your safe return. They aren’t deaf or blind, their conscience has died long ago. It is due to the death of their morality, that people like you who work for justice and truth are subjected to enforced disappearances. We promise you that we won’t let your legacy of fighting for justice to die. You will live within us always.
Shui Meng has a bigger family now, struggling for reunion with you and with all those who have disappeared around the world.
We are committed to work for a world without desaprecidos.
Khurram Parvez (Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP)
The Lao Government to Bads them kill to many people.
Not all the people in the government of Laos are so lacking in morals. Some day, the good ones will take over from the bad. Indeed, many of them are pretending to be bad in order to protect themselves until the hour comes, but they are ready to turn on the leadership as soon as an opportunity presents itself. It would be better for all of the bad ones if they just retired now as they would be allowed to live out the rest of their lives in peace. All that the people want from them is an apology and the end to all abuses of power – no one wants revenge. But if they cling to power for too long, outside powers will become heavily involved, and it is highly unlikely that they will be so forgiving. The whole world is heading for a major revolution, and there will be no more room for corruption or human-rights abuses. Stand down now while you can still make a free choice to do so – your every move is already being watched, and every conversation you have near a microphone is being recorded. The system knows everything.